LMS - LAN Management System 1.11-git

LMS Developers

Table of Contents
1. Intro
1.1. About LMS
1.2. Authors
1.3. Legal Notice
1.4. Other Information
2. Installation and configuration
2.1. Intro
2.2. Requirements
2.3. LMS Installation
2.4. Localization
2.5. Database Server Installation
2.6. Basic Configuration
2.7. Access rights
2.8. Upgrade
2.9. Documents
3. User Interface (LMS-UI)
3.1. Login
3.2. Administration
3.3. Customers
3.4. Nodes
3.5. Net Devices
3.6. IP Networks
3.7. Finances
3.8. Documents
3.9. Hosting
3.10. Messages
3.11. Reload
3.12. Stats
3.13. Helpdesk
3.14. Timetable
3.15. Configuration
4. Scripts
4.1. Installation
4.2. List of available scripts
4.3. Description and configuration
5. Configuration file generator (lms-mgc)
5.1. Installation
5.2. Configuration
5.3. Examples of use
6. LMS Daemon
6.1. Basics
6.2. Modules
6.3. T-Script
7. For curious
7.1. Directory tree
7.2. Database structure
7.3. Configuration file format
7.4. Filling DB with random data
7.5. Access levels
7.6. Restrictions
8. Extensions
8.1. Customer account
8.2. Customer account 2
8.3. SQL Panel
8.4. Squid redirector
9. Userpanel
9.1. About
9.2. Installation
9.3. Configuration
9.4. Graphical themes (styles)
9.5. Modules
10. FAQ
List of Tables
4-1. Executable scripts list
6-1. List of all lmsd modules
7-1. LMS directory tree
List of Examples
3-1. Accounts. Proftpd configuration.
3-2. Accounts. Mail server configuration (postfix+sasl+courier).
4-1. Lms-notify: example of last 10 customer's operations
4-2. Lms-notify: example of mailing template
5-1. Lms-mgc: Example instance
6-1. Parser: Creating /etc/hosts file
6-2. Parser: Debtors list
6-3. Parser: Ethernet hosts descriptions for iptraf.
6-4. Parser: Ethers file for arp
6-5. Parser: Notify module replacement
6-6. Parser: Traffic stats.
7-1. Format of configuration options