Main configuration file of LMS is lms.ini, which must be placed in directory /etc/lms or in LMS root directory (not recommended, see Section 2.3!!!). It contains configuration options for LMS-UI and for all scripts with exception of LMS-MGC.
Remember to remove semicolons (comments sign) from beginning of line with parameter that you set. |
As of version 1.6 and later storing config in lms.ini is beeing treaded as obsolete. The only required values there are from [database] and [directories] sections. Other settings are stored in database and could be changed by user interface. |
Database driver type. Currently are supported 'mysql' or 'mysqli' and 'postgres'. Default: mysql
Example: type = mysql
Host where database is running. Usually 'localhost', but you can set anything here (IP, domain or path to socket in 'localhost:/path/to/socket' format). Default: localhost
Example: host = localhost
Database user account name. In many cases (if you follow this documentation) that will be 'lms'. If you want to use privileged account, you can enter 'root' (MySQL on most of *nixes), 'mysql' (on PLD) or 'postgres' (PostgreSQL). Default: mysql
Example: user = lms
Database user password. Default: empty.
Example: password = password
Database name. Default: lms
Example: database = lms
System directory. It is a place where the entire content of LMS UI is placed, that means index.php, graphics, templates and the rest. By default index.php tries to guess where is it located using getcwd(), but it's better to say it where it is:
Example: sys_dir = /var/www/htdocs/lms/
Directory with LMS "modules". That is content of /modules directory. By default it is modules subdirectory of sys_dir.
Example: modules_dir = /usr/share/lms/modules/
Directory with LMS "libraries". That is content of /lib directory. By default it is lib subdirectory of sys_dir.
Example: lib_dir = /usr/share/lms/lib/
Directory for database backup files - it's a place where LMS can write its database snapshots. By default it is backups subdirectory of sys_dir.
Example: backup_dir = /var/backup/lms/
If directory with backups is accessible from WWW level (within Web Server DocumentRoot), anybody can access them without authentication. |
Directory for documents archive - it's a place where LMS can write uploaded files. By default it is documents subdirectory of sys_dir.
Example: doc_dir = /usr/share/lms/docs/
If that directory is accessible from WWW level (within Web Server DocumentRoot), anybody can access them without authentication. |
Compilation directory for Smarty. It's a place where Smarty compile its templates. By default it is templates_c subdirectory of sys_dir.
Example: smarty_compile_dir = /var/smarty/compile/lms
Directory with templates for Smarty. By default it is templates subdirectory of sys_dir.
Example: smarty_templates_dir = /usr/share/lms/templates
This section consist options for financial system and for payment forms. You can read more about that in chapter 'Documents'.
suspension_percentage (optional)
Percentage for suspended liabilities. Default: '0'
Example: suspension_percentage = '50'