2.6. Basic Configuration

Main configuration file of LMS is lms.ini, which must be placed in directory /etc/lms or in LMS root directory (not recommended, see Section 2.3!!!). It contains configuration options for LMS-UI and for all scripts with exception of LMS-MGC.


Remember to remove semicolons (comments sign) from beginning of line with parameter that you set.


As of version 1.6 and later storing config in lms.ini is beeing treaded as obsolete. The only required values there are from [database] and [directories] sections. Other settings are stored in database and could be changed by user interface.

2.6.1. Section [database] - Database Settings

2.6.2. Section [directories] - Directories Settings

2.6.3. Section [finances] - Finances Settings

This section consist options for financial system and for payment forms. You can read more about that in chapter 'Documents'.

2.6.3. Section [payments] - Payments Settings