Messages is a component where you can spam groups of your customers with email or sms messages.
On the list you have a history of sent messages. You can sort them using filter. Clicking on the message record moves you to information page with message content and list of recipients. On the list you have delivery status of every (sub)message.
To send a message you should specify appropriate group of recipients, type of message (email/sms). Your attendance can be grouped by status, network or customer/node groups, etc.
In message body you can use variables, which will be replaced by customer data:
%customer - name/lastname and forename |
%balance - balance value (with sign) |
%cid - customer ID |
%pin - customer PIN |
%last_10_in_a_table - last 10 operations on customer account |
%bankaccount - bank account number |
Your server has to support PEAR::Mail for this to send email messages. If you use mail server on remote host, you will need to set options smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_username, smtp_password in [mail] section.
Here we've got the list of configuration options for mailing. These options should be placed in [mail] section.
E-mail address for debugging - messages sent from module 'Messages' will be delivered to this address instead of sending them to real users.
Example: debug_email = root@localhost
smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_username, smtp_password
Parameters for smtp authorization in mailing. Default:
Example: smtp_host =
Smtp authorization method in mailing. By default LMS (exactly PEAR::Net_SMTP) will use the best supported method. Default: none.
Example: smtp_auth_type = DIGEST-MD5
SMS configuration is more complex. Forst of all you have to define a service type to use. This could be a SMS gateway or some software installed on LMS server (e.g. gnokii, smstools). For SMS configuration options [sms] section is intended:
service type for sending text messages. Supported values: 'smstools' and 'smscenter'.
Example: service = smstools
Phone country code. Default: 48 (Poland)
Example: prefix = 49
Message sender. Default empty.
Example: from = ISP Co.
Username for sms gateway. Default: empty.
Example: username = isp
Password for sms gateway. Default: empty.
Example: password = haslo
Type of account you have at smscenter service. LMS will add sender at the end of message, when static type has been set. Correct values are: static and dynamic. Default: dynamic.
Example: smscenter_type = static
Directory with outgoing message files for smsd (smstools). HTTP server must have a write access to it. Deafault: /var/spool/sms/outgoing.
Example: smstools_outdir = /home/smsd/outgoing